The Journal is produced on the basis of computer readable manuscripts provided by the authors. Therefore we highly recommend to follow exactly the following instructions already at the very beginning when writing the paper.
Technical Medium: Whenever possible, a submitted manuscript
should be provided in electronic form. Send your files attached to
an E-mail to the current Editor
Herwig Friedl.
Type Setting: In order to obtain a uniform layout and to ease
the production as much as possible it is highly recommended to use
LaTeX for the text processing.
Graphics should be added in PostScript-format (use psfig.sty) at
suitable places of the manuscript. The original LaTeX-file
guidelines.tex together with the
bibliography file guidelines.bib
may be used as a template for the setting up of a text to be submitted
in computer readable form.
It is also possible (although less desirable) to use Word to
write the manuscript. Experience shows, however, that the demand on
editorial work is much higher. Therefore, we strongly ask for strictly
following the instructions, careful setting of mathematical formulas
and always specifying the kind of used software for setting the text.
In case that you really need to write your manuscript in Word then
you could download the file guidelines.doc
and use it as template.
Formal Configuration:
The copy of the paper for printing should be on white paper size A4
(210x297mm). The printed version will be reduced by the factor of 80%
of the original size. Therefore it is strongly recommended to use a
font which looks most similar to Times Roman size 12 points. The printed
text should then be within a frame with 3 cm left and right margin and
3.3 cm top and bottom margin.
Headings and footings as well as pagination will be added during the
production. Footnotes should be generally avoided.
The title should characterize as brief and concise as possible
the contents of the paper.
Each article must have an abstract in English and a
Zusammenfassung in German which inform the reader quickly on the
contents and the substantial results. The length surely depends on the
contents, however, it should not exceed 150 words. Mathematical formulas
should be avoided in this summary.
Some keywords should be listed afterwards. These keywords should
be relevant for the contents of the article and not included already in
the title.
The main part of the article should be structured by enumerated
sections and subsections. Graphics and tables must contain captions,
above tables and below graphics (figures). Examples are (see Figure 2
and Table 3). Mathematical formulas should be enumerated as far as they
are referenced. E.g. Equation (6) shows the density ...
Cited literature should be summarized at the end of the article
in form of a non-enumerated section. Kunst (1996) is a reference to an
article, and Schnatter et al. (1987) to an article by more than two
authors. If the citation is in parentheses, it should look like (Kunst,
Correspondence addresses of all the authors should be added at
the end of the manuscript.
Submission and Refereeing:
Consideration of the previously stated rules are of great help for
the editing process. Whenever technically possible, manuscripts
should be submitted by E-mail.
All contributions will be anonymously refereed which is also for
the authors in order to getting positive feedback and constructive
suggestions from other qualified people. Cited literature which is
hardly available, should accompany the submitted manuscript. It
should also be considered to place used and analyzed data at
disposal for the referees (if there are no legal or technical
arguments against).
Editor and referees must trust that the contribution has not been
submitted for publication at the same time at another place. It is
fair that the submitting author notifies if an earlier version has
already been submitted somewhere before.
Submitting authors will obtain immediately an acknowledgment of
Manuscripts stay with the publisher and referees. The refereeing
and publishing in the Austrian Journal of Statistics is free of
charge. The publisher, the Austrian Statistical Society requires a
grant of copyright from authors in order to effectively publish
and distribute this journal worldwide.